Root Canal Therapy

We have the absolute latest in technology regarding root canal therapy, actually we are more current than most endodontists!


WaveOne Gold is a huge technological improvement in the way root canal therapy is performed. It is simple, conservative, and safer than ever before.

  • Respects the natural shape of the canal, which means a more conservative preparation, which means a longer lifespan for your tooth. When canals are widened, there is greater chance of root fracture in the future. This approach removes this risk factor.
  • Increases patient safety with enhanced flexibility and resistance to cyclic fatigue, which means less likely for a file to break or for a file to go where it is not supposed to.
  • Sterile and ready for single use, which prevents cross contamination. Each rotary file is used only once.
Is root canal therapy safe?

Absolutely! I have a root canal on my front tooth…I thought I was a professional snow ski jumper and got about 6 feet of air and like a dentists worst nightmare…I landed on my front tooth. It caused the nerve to die and it needed root canal therapy. It was fast and painless and inexpensive compared to losing the tooth and replacing it will an implant. If you know me, you know that I am all for holistic dentistry, but there have to be facts to substantiate whether procedures are safe or harmful.

The effectiveness of root canal treatment is well-established. However, misinformation continues to circulate on the Internet that may cause patients to question the safety of endodontics. There is no valid, scientific evidence linking root canals to any health problems. Advancements in modern dentistry make endodontic treatment predictable, effective and successful. The JADA reviewed Dr. Price’s research techniques from the 1920s and noted that they lacked many aspects of modern scientific research, including absence of proper control groups and induction of excessive doses of bacteria. Not only is the research flawed, but it is from decades ago. Even if there was any validity to his research, we don’t perform root canals with the toxic chemicals that were used back then. Now it is about technique and not chemicals to clean out the canals. Would you follow medical advice from the 1920s? I certainly wouldn’t want a cardiologist to perform heart surgery on me the way they did back then! Root canal therapy has changed a lot. Root canal therapy has always had a bad rap. How often do you hear it being used in marketing? I rather do anything than have a root canal. It just isn’t correct information anymore. Root canal therapy can be absolutely painless and the best way to remove infection. We use completely different techniques today than what I learned in dental school (which wasn’t that long ago…eeeks more than 15 years ago). I have changed systems and techniques multiple times over my career to keep up to date with the latest technology and the most scientifically sound evidence.